Welcome to My World

By Jason Naughton

2017 Updated Web Design

Took a bit of a leave of absence there for a while. I’m back and updating the web site yet again. My Nephews continue to be my camera target. I’m also updating various IT items I find from time to time that might be helpful to the every day admin. Check the IT-ADMIN pages for further info.

In 2015 I migrated from using my own personal server to serve web pages to leverage google sites. There was a number of reasons why I decided to head this way:

  • I couldn't match the connectivity nor the bandwidth of google
  • Recently I migrated to using google photos which I could upload for free and link to my site. Storage is no longer a concern.
  • I used to use a Mac tool to push my web site. Apple has since killed the package off so I needed to look for other resources to maintain my web pages. I have the ability to create web pages by hand but tools are sooo much easier to use to deploy simple static web pages. Now google even provides the tools.

So well now I have a google sites page...

In 2017 google developed an even better (if it can get better) google sites interface. Now don't be shocked if the URL at the top of your browser doesn't show www.naughton.ca, I'm using my server at home to redirect the web hits to google. So Yeah my server at home is now back in use but it's a simple redirect.